Special Christians....

"It's okay. Truth be known, we mock a lot of people too. We mock those who worship athletes, celebrities, pop culture, Obama, money, intellect, trees, polar bears, basically anything but God. I'd rather be mocked for bowing at His altar than at the altar of all these temporal things that don't amount to a hill of beans."

This is someone's comment written below an article about a football player praying on the field.

*moment of silence*

WHAT THE HELL?! Serious? Really? Let's start with the most obvious problem here. Eh, as a christian, you likely shouldn't judge people let alone mock them. CHRISTians believe in the teachings of Christ, and I doubt that's a valid teaching. Second, are you really lumping intellect in there, AND saying it doesn't amount to much? Eesh. The MOST offensive thing here is the polar bears. Frankly, I'm hurt. Below the belt, ass.

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