Some things I love...

I love music, I love jazz piano. This is one of Jeremy's music books, so I took a picture to make my point.

I love books. All books. I don't take care of them either. Torn books make me excited.

I love paper and journals.

This is something David Flaten gave me as a wedding present. He started to say what it had to do with my father, but I never heard the end of it because he mumbled about it in the middle of a loud reception. Someday, I should ask.

Tea rocks my world. Hot tea. Sweet tea. Tea loves me.

Jeremy and I both share a quiet enjoyment of large clocks.

Why doesn't anyone love this lamp as much as I do?? It's beautiful. It's actually made from an alcohol bottle from Peru, I think. When Dave Bybee was stationed there, he collected a great many things he passed on to me..."For helping an old fart", as he says.

Lamps in general give off such a warm feeling. Here's my office beauty.

More later...

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